What is Pilates?

Pilates is a fitness movement system developed by Joseph Pilates. Pilates classes are done on specific apparatus (such as the Reformer, Tower, and Wundachair) which utilize springs that add resistance and assistance to help develop a strong core and make the spine more supple.  This movement system offers gentle stretching and core strengthening exercises designed to trim, tone, and increase flexibility.


Pilates for Beginners

This class is a specifically designed system which teaches the fundamentals of classical Pilates movement to new students and clients.  Students will learn the foundations of Pilates including proper body positioning, equipment etiquette, and safety.  This class is approximately 50-minutes long

Pilates Flow (Great for new practitioners)

This class is designed for people who are new to Pilates, people happy working at a slower and rhythmic pace, and those who enjoy integrating yoga into their Pilates mix. We’ll start by waking up your mind-body connection with movement and breath. Next, we’ll flow into the bulk of the class using the Pilates Reformer or Tower machines for whole-body engagement and core connection. We’ll wind down with a few feel-good stretches to help settle your nervous system and re-energize yourself.

Pilates Basics

So you have a few beginner classes under your belt and/or you're wanting to brush up on their fundamental Pilates skills. Students will use any of the equipment that the instructor decides is best for the individuals in the class. This class is great  all levels to focus on basic Pilates fundamentals.

Pilates Intermediate

This class is for those who are more familiar with Pilates principles and ready to intensify their workout. This class will move at a quicker pace than a Basics class, will have more challenging exercises and will build fundamental  techniques. Equipment will vary based on the individuals in the class at the instructor's discretion.

Pilates Advanced

This class is for those who have been taking Pilates classesand/or private sessions for a while. The pace of this class is much faster than Basics and Mixed Level classes. A solid working knowledge and comfort level with the Pilates equipment is a must. This is great for students who can execute Basic and many intermediate exercises and want to learn more advanced exercises.

Pilates Mat

Pilates Mat Classes are the floor work version of the Pilates method. These classes use your body weight as the primary source of resistance.  Focus is placed on precise movements originating from your core. Working from the deepest layers of muscles, which stabilize and support your spine, resulting in strength and flexibility with ideal posture and alignment. Classes emphasize the foundational principals of Pilates while offering modifications and variations to suit each students individual needs. Be prepared to work - this class is no joke! 

Wunda Chair

Uncle Joe's wunda chair is an extremely powerful piece of exercise equipment.  This apparatus has the ability to build core stability, upper-body strength, and lower-body power.  There's no lounging in this chair!  It forces you to work deeper and to truly connect with your powerhouse.